
Trusted Professionals for Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, and More



When stuff breaks, we fix it! Handy Man of Your Dreams can save you the time and money it would cost to install a replacement fixture or household item. With our experience, we can easily repair almost any aspect of your home.

From leaky gutters that damage your house in ten different ways to dripping faucets, that’s money going down the drain and everything in between.


For your broken fixtures or household items that are beyond repair, we remove outdated and inefficient hardware and replace them with beautiful and durable products that will add efficiency and complement the aesthetic of your home while improving your quality of life.

All repairs are done with careful attention to detail, making sure trims line up perfectly and stains match we take great pride in our final product.



Installation consists of new additions in your home such as adding security cameras, elderly-friendly bathroom fixtures, or maybe you’ve wanted a dishwasher. Most new installations will require our carpentry, electrical, or plumbing skills, if not all three.

As the handymen of your dreams, these things are installed seamlessly drawing on our combined 30 years of expertise.